Getting Started

 What is it?
A quick overview of Binky's FREE Ad Swap Club
 How Does it Work?
How the Club can help you effortlessly grow your mailing list
 Getting Started
Sign up now - it's quick and easy
 Contact Binky
Write us with questions or comments
 Member E-zines
List of participating E-zines
 Member Resources
A members-only section with tons of other resources for growing and making money from your list
Participation Rules
Just common sense stuff

Getting started is easy - we just need some information about your list.
Please fill out the form below, and we'll contact you before our next swap.
New members must apply by the 27th of the month to participate in the following month's swap.

Our next Swap Meet commences: MARCH 1, 2004


 Contact Information - Please fill out completely!

Your Name:


Email address:



 List Information - Please fill out completely!

Name of E-zine:


URL/Web site:


If you don't have a web site, where can we find info about your list and sub/unsub instructions?


Please enter your Exact Number* of Subscribers today:

   1000 subscribers minimum required to join.
  *We track each Publisher's subscriber growth month over month, so      exact numbers are necessary.

Would you be willing to allow us to place paid ads in your newsletter in the future, fully sharing the revenue with you?

  Please add any comments about revenue sharing and
   paid ads you might have.
*We'll be tracking each Publisher's subscriber growth month over month, so exact numbers are necessary.

 Swap Information - Please fill out completely!

How many ads per month are you willing to run?

 Four ads   Eight ads   Twelve ads   
(Note: to keep the program simple, we ask you to choose either 4, 8 or 12 ads per month at this time.)

Please give us any add'l comments you'd like to make:


Enter your ad copy here. 3 to 8 lines of text, including URL.:


 IMPORTANT: Ad Swaps MUST solicit for New Subscribers to your publication ONLY. No products, services, barters or any other items, tangible or intangible. -- Binky


That's it! Click "submit" to enter your application, and you'll receive a confirmation e-mail shortly. We'll review your list info and you'll receive additional information with your acceptance e-mail. Each month, you'll receive a list of ads to place in your newsletter, and the specific information about YOUR ad which will be running in other member's newsletters.

Copyright 2000, 2001, 2002 Linky & Dinky. All Rights Reserved.