Due to the ferocious nature of the attorneys representing Elvis Presley
Enterprises, the originating story of these photos cannot be told, but these
photographs match in every detail the written descriptions of Graceland's
upstairs rooms, as found in books authored by Ginger Alden,
Joe Esposito, David Stanley, Red West and Priscilla herself.
Elvis' bedroom and bathroom are still to this day exactly, precisely the way he last saw them. Nothing has been touched. Underwear, socks, pajamas, sweaters, gloves, scarves and other items are still kept in the dresser drawers.
2nd Floor diagram copied from public construction records.
When not on tour, Elvis spent all day and all night for weeks at a time upstairs at Graceland, rarely leaving his temperature-controlled 68 degree haven. Staff brought him anything he asked, whenever he asked them to.
The sheets on the bed are the last Elvis and Ginger slept in. Miniscule hairs, skin cells and dried body sweat still cover them. The bed was straightened and food removed from the room by Elvis' housekeeper only hours before the room was sealed. Bodyguards claim they also removed prescription drugs, vials and hypodermics.
Linda Thompson slept with Elvis for years, pictured here on Elvis' bed when it had a furry dark rose-colored bedspread.
Linda was responsible for redecorating Graceland in the rich gaudy crimson velours and plushes. Priscilla's color scheme used greens and yellows and whites, and Graceland post-1977 is decorated in Priscilla's style.
The heavy double doors guarding Elvis' bedroom are padded for soundproofing. Today they are chained and locked from the outside to protect the room and maintain its pristine condition.
Over the years, items from Elvis' upstairs office and the furniture from Lisa Marie's childhood bedroom have been brought down and put on display. The office contains a white leather couch, piano, table, desk, gun case and assorted photos and gifts.
Today, much testimony and evidence exists to suggest that Elvis saved up three 8-hour doses of his daily prescription drug cocktails and took them all at once to commit suicide. His body was found in rigor-mortis face down between the toilet and the shower. His skin was tinted blue and he had bitten deeply into his tongue. His pajama pants were still around his ankles. Three hypodermics and the three bags for the drugs he usually took at 8-hour intervals were found next to him. Be it by accident or deliberately, Elvis killed himself.
Towels still hang.
Toiletries of cologne (Brut), toothpaste (Crest), hair dye, deodorant, enema and constipation medication, cotton balls, combs, brushes, hair gel, lotion, various make-up vials and brushes and a couple of books still litter Elvis' sink and vanity area.
Priscilla paid for a commission to investigate the circumstances regarding his death.
That reports concludes by saying "The Presley Commission is continuing to monitor matters pertaining to Elvis' disappearance in 1977, and is active in maintaining intelligence related to the entertainer's whereabouts, as well as his intentions for future public contact, if desired."
99% of the fans who enter Graceland don't realize that as soon as they walk into the foyer, they are standing directly below where the body of Elvis was found.
In 1968 a tunnel entrance was found on the grounds of Graceland that historians say dates back to the time of the Civil War and the Underground Railroad which smuggled slaves to freedom. It led approx. 300 feet and exited the property in the S.E. corner. Did Elvis ever use it? Is it still passable today? Why isn't it ever mentioned?
1000s of Elvis fans have created their own web sites featuring pictures of their tour of Graceland.
The Elvis Jumpsuit Database
TopFive likes Elvis 1 2 3
Elvis Tragic Figure
Graceland receives more visitors than Hermitage, Monticello, Hearst Castle and the White House combined Elvis.com offers a virtual tour of the Mansion's downstairs and grounds and gardens.
Elvis Speaks