Virginity like bubble, one prick, all gone.
Man who run behind car get exhausted.
Man with hand in pocket feel cocky all day.
Man with one chopstick go hungry.
Man who scratch ass should not bite
Man who eat many prunes get good run for
Man who pee's through screen door, only straining himself.
War does not determine who is right, war
determine who is left.
Man who live in glass house should change clothes in basement.
Crowded elevator smell different to midget.
Woman who sleep with judge get honorable discharge.
Man with athletic finger make broad jump.
Woman is like swing music,
3/4 jazz time,
1/4 rag time.
Stenographer not permanent fixture till screwed on desk.
Last man and Last woman on earth can do it in public.
Man at closing time know that beauty is only a light switch away.