Linky & Dinky's Favorite Charity --

Please donate 1 Cup of Rice to feed
a hungry child. All it takes is one click
of your mouse on the measuring cup...

Thank you. Please donate often.

While you're here, urge your friends
to give a Cup of Rice too!

Sure, you and your friends already tithe 10% of your gross income
to the church (or is it 10% of the net?) but everybody can still
help feed hungry children around the world by simply clicking on
their computer mouse. Tell your friends to give until their finger hurts!

Your full name:

Your complete E-mail address:

(example: [email protected])

Your friend's first name:

Your friend's e-mail address:

Add some witty comments of your own, if you want:
(not too many -- pixels ain't cheap, you know)

SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Please only click once on the "submit" button. Repeated clicks may send your message multiple times, and/or cause a mild rash.

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